Carbon Credit Program

Enhance the earning potential of your TeslaVolts EV Charging Stations by joining the TeslaVolts Carbon Credit Program, a new initiative that enables select properties to earn credits for all energy dispensed from your chargers.

What is the TeslVolts Carbon Credit Program?

The TeslaVolts Carbon Credit Program is a new initiative that oversees and allocates carbon credits for select properties that have TeslaVolts EV Charging Stations.

Through this unique program, participating sites can earn credits for energy dispensed from their TeslaVolts EV Charging Stations. By joining the program, sites can seamlessly enhance their charging revenue potential without any extra work or cost.

Getting started is simple. After joining the TeslaVolts Carbon Credit Program, your charging stations instantly start generating credits.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Install EV Chargers

Install at least one TeslaVolts EV Charging Station at your commercial property or multifamily (apartment/condo) building.

Step 2: Start Earning Credits

Every time a driver uses your charging station, you earn Carbon Credits. Credits are earned throughout the calendar year.

Step 3: Receive Your Reward

At the end of the year, your credits are added up and you receive your reward as either a Cash or Equipment payout.

Teslavolts Carbon Credit Program Benefits

Simplified Administration

Leave the heavy lifting to us – TeslaVolts manages all tracking, buying, and selling of carbon credits on your behalf.

Aggregated Benefits

By pooling the energy across all of our charging sites, we enhance credit accumulation, negotiate better prices per credit, and boost your reward.

Reward Flexibility

Cash or Equipment – the freedom to choose how you benefit is yours. Plus, the Equipment option comes with added value, paving the way for even more earnings.

TeslaVolts Carbon Credit Program Reward Options

Get rewarded your way – the choice is yours


Opt for a Cash payout to use your earnings as you see fit. With Cash, you have the freedom to allocate your funds on anything. Whether it’s investing back into your property, covering operational costs, or something else, the choice is yours.


Take your credits even further by redeeming them for more TeslaVolts EV Charging Stations. With the Equipment payout, you can redeem your credits on more TeslaVolts EV Chargers to boost your earning potential!

Tracking Your Carbon Credits

In the age of digital transformation, having immediate access to your progress is crucial. With the TeslVolts Carbon Credit Program, staying up-to-date on your Carbon Credit earning progress is a breeze.

To track your earnings, your credits are meticulously recorded and displayed in real-time within the TeslVolts Site Control dashboard. This intuitive platform provides a comprehensive overview of your entire charging operation, ensuring you have a clear snapshot of your total revenue.

TeslVolts Carbon Credit Program Eligibility

– Exclusive to Indian Business Operators

– Commercial or Multifamily* Properties

– Must be the Utility Account Holder

*Multifamily properties require a minimum of 5 units.

Carbon Credit Program

Discover how the TeslaVolts Carbon Credit Program enhances your earning potential.